AGM 2024

AGM Notice

Minutes from Last AGM

The executive is aware that there are a number of typographical errors in the document; a motion will be raised in the AGM to correct these errors.


  1. Call to Order and Invocation.
  2. Welcome from the Chairman.
  3. Notice convening the meeting.
  4. Reading and adoption of Standing Orders.
  5. Reading and Adoption of the Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting.
  6. Business arising out of the approved minutes.
  7. Correspondence/ Announcements/ Excuses.
  8. The Annual Report.
  9. Treasurer’s Report.
  10. Principal’s Remarks.
  11. President’s Address.
  12. Any other Business.
  13. Election of the Executive Members.
  14. Appointment of Auditors.
  15. Expression of Appreciation.
  16. Benediction.